Posted Nov 06, 2019

Youth Forum at the GFMD

An opportunity for young people to get involved in discussions around migration challenges, needs and opportunities.

Youth Forum at the GFMD

19-20 January 2020
Quito, Ecuador

We need youth to have access to a space where they are able to discuss youth-specific migration challenges, needs and opportunities, in order to consolidate solid policy priorities around the key issues of migration and development.

That’s why we’re planning our second Youth Forum in Quito, Ecuador on January 19 and 20.

This event will be held after the 2019 Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Summit. The annual GFMD summit is a state-led, informal and non-binding process which helps shape the global debate on migration and development.

The Youth Forum will count on the presence of 50 representatives from youth-led and/or serving civil society organisations (under the age of 31) who are meaningfully engaged in relevant work in their communities. We aim for a balanced representation, including aspects of regional, social, religious, age and gender representation. Taking into account that the Forum is taking place in Ecuador, we aim for 25 delegates representing Latin American countries (of which at least 10 representing Ecuador).

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